Comscore TV helps national bank client identify the best cable networks for advanced audience targeting

Jennifer Shapiro
Jennifer Shapiro
Senior Client Success Specialist
Comscore TV helps client identify best cable networks for advanced audience targeting.

A national bank wished to gain precise insights into the cable networks and programs that resonated with their precise audience target, beyond just age and gender.

The Scenario

A financial client wished to gain linear TV viewership insights into a specific, detailed target audience beyond basic demographics of age and gender

The Solution

The client leveraged Comscore TV's Plan Metrix segments to create their custom target audience cohort, and then identify the cable networks with the highest viewership indices for this segment.


Males and Females Age 21+ who own a credit card and have a student or personal loan

The Results

The client leveraged Comscore TV's advanced audience segment capability to help them optimize their TV media plan across National Networks 1, 2, and 3 for their target cohort - people who are 21+, own a credit card, and have a student or personal loan.

Cable Network Index by Cohort