- May 18, 2012

Mobile Driving Majority of Growth for Leading EU5 Social Networks

Social Networks attracted an audience of nearly 171 million unique visitors via computers during March 2012, seeing an increase of 8 percent over the past year in EU5 (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK). Nearly 66.9 million mobile users accessed social networks or blogs via their devices during March 2012, seeing a stronger growth rate of 43 percent.

An analysis of the leading social networks showed that the growth rates from mobile users accessing social networks by far outpaced growth rates of computer users. Among the top 3, Twitter saw the fastest growth on mobile (101 percent) and computer (66 percent) but Facebook attracted the largest audience on both platforms in EU5 during March 2012.

Growth Leading EU5 Social Networks

*Top 3 Social Networks in the EU5 via computer access during March 2012