- 24. August 2016

Indonesia: Mobile Now Offers the Scale Long Associated with Desktop, along with Behavioural Nuances Unique to Smartphone/Tablet Platforms

The mobile landscape in the Indonesia market has evolved rapidly over time. A recent analysis based on data from the Comscore Mobile Metrix service unveiled some key findings:

Mobile Now Offers Desktop Scale

The move to mobile has been a theme for a while now, but in previous years the argument was always that mobile lacked scale to make it a truly viable advertising platform. Popular sites on mobile now have similar reach to popular sites on desktop as more and more people are accessing information from mobile devices.

Platform Choice Dictated by Function

One interesting nuance of mobile is the split between tablet and smartphone devices. Whilst smartphones dominate the majority of categories, it is interesting that smartphones tend to be even more pronounced when looking at more functional, on-the-move categories such as weather and sports. At the same time, categories such as apparel or kids, which tend to be more relaxed or open-ended in nature, demonstrate a higher than average share of tablet views. This has implications for optimisation of both advertising, as well as usability and content for publishers.

To learn more about Mobile Metrix, please visit www.comscore.com/MobileMetrix.

For more insights on the Indonesia online audience, download the full presentation Understanding Indonesia Online Audience here