Comscore Social Impact Report: Understanding the Influence of a Hashtag/Keyword

The Shade Room
Jenny Pehota
Jenny Pehota
Senior Analyst, Client Insights
Comscore proves social impact across campaign hashtag for The Shade Room by showcasing content share, efficiency, & sentiment across the social universe.​

Empower your brand by discovering the potency of your social footprint, driven by both owned and earned media through targeted campaign or overarching hashtags/keywords. This unveils key insights into the primary publishers shaping the narrative, the content driving and peaking engagement, the most influential social platforms around that topic, and an understanding of sentiment by analyzing trending keywords and emojis surrounding that topic.

The Scenario

The Shade Room wished to showcase their impact on social media using a specific hashtag, and measure how effective they are at driving engagement using that hashtag compared to others in the space.

The Solution

Comscore leveraged our social tools to highlight topline metrics, volume of content vs engagement, platform share, top trending posts using the specified hashtag, a ranking of top publishers, and a sentiment read.

Number 1

Topline Metrics and Content Share

Topline metrics around the hashtag/keyword are highlighted, such as amount of content published, number of publishers that posted content, undeduplicated audience reach across all publishers, and total engagement generated. Delve deeper as we compare content and engagement shares to identify the most influential platforms driving action within the topic.

Number 2

Content Deep Dive and Top Contributors

Top posts utilizing the hashtag/keyword are displayed as well as a curated ranking of top publishers driving the conversation and their impact across each platform.

Number 3

Trending Keywords and Emojis

Customized emoji and keyword clouds are derived from posts featuring the hashtag/keyword, offering a profound understanding of emotional resonance and related topics.

The Results

The Comscore Social Impact report helped The Shade Room measure and showcase the strength of their partnership across TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, X, and YouTube