Comscore Predictive Audiences Drive Campaign Performance for Automotive Brand

H&L Partners
H&L used Comscore’s privacy-friendly contextual audiences to help a leading automotive brand achieve the most efficient Cost-Per-Action.

Comscore Predictive Audiences drove significantly lower CPA compared to both the behavioral audience segment based on cookies and a competitor contextual segment.

Are you ready to learn what Comscore Predictive audiences can do for your ad campaigns?

CPA compared to auto behavioral audience
CPA compared to auto contextual segment

The Scenario

H&L’s client, a leading auto advertiser, seeks most effective targeting to drive campaign performance.

The Solution

Number 1

Campaign Setup

H&L selects 3 types of targeting segments from different third-party data providers to test performance:​

  • Comscore Predictive Audiences​ with IHS Markit Auto Behaviors
  • Competitor Contextual Segments​
  • Competitor Behavioral Segments
Number 2

Campaign Activated

H&L runs a competitive evaluation testing the three targeting tactics, holding all other parameters constant. 

Number 3

Performance Measured

H&L measures campaign performance of each targeting tactic based Cost-per-Action

The Results

Leading auto brand achieved most efficient CPA using Comscore’s Predictive Audiences.

Benefits included:

  • Comscore Predictive Audiences outperform all targeting tactics 
  • 74% lower CPA compared to auto behavioral audience
  • 34% lower CPA compared to auto contextual segment