Comscore’s Brand Survey Lift (BSL) Solution Allows for True Cross-Platform Campaign Measurement via a Daily Updated User Interface

Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams
Vice President, Client Insights
Comscore Brand Survey Lift study helps client identify lift across multiple KPIs and leverages results to optimize their campaign in real time.

The Scenario

 A soft drink client wanted to better understand how to refine and optimize their consumer targeting efforts for an upcoming new product launch.

The Solution

The client leveraged Comscore's Proximic custom audience solution to establish a phase 1 targeting approach for a lengthy 8-month campaign. They then commissioned a Brand Survey Lift study once the campaign kicked off and were able to see campaign effectiveness results on a daily basis.

Number 1

Campaign Setup

Comscore works with the client to implement tags across all taggable platforms and designs the survey used to determine lift in consumer perception

Number 2

Campaign Activated

The client runs their campaign across multiple publishers and platforms. Simultaneously, Comscore recruits survey respondents and, as their responses come back, they are grouped into exposed or control cohorts depending on whether they were exposed to the client’s campaign.

Number 3

Performance Measured

Results are published in an online user interface which is updated on a daily basis as survey responses come in. Comscore works directly with the client to analyze results and generate insights and key findings.

The Results

The client leveraged the output of the study to further optimize their targeting efforts and monitor the impacts of their changes in real time over the course of the campaign.

BSL UI Screenshot - Demo UI

Dozens of metrics available in UI that is updated daily