- 2015年10月7日

The Split of Time Across Devices Is Influenced by Content Category

We know that mobile usage is on the rise. And that means your audience is more of a moving target than ever. A good media plan is designed to ensure your message will have the desired impact. But to do that, you need to know what screen it will be seen on.

Where you advertise has a big impact on what platform your ad will be seen on -- a mobile screen, or a desktop. In our latest MMX® Multi-Platform Infographic we show the breakdown of time spent on desktop vs. mobile in Canada, across 5 content categories.

How do you currently split your digital budget across platforms? MMX Multi-Platform can help you understand mobile reach in 100+ content areas, with multiple demographic breakdowns.

To understand what else you can – and should – learn from our MMX Multi-Platform data request a demo or contact us.

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