- 2020年4月3日

Understanding Media Consumption During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Senior Director, Account Management, Agencies

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to spread around the globe, consumers everywhere are making significant changes to the way they interact with content and advertising across platforms.

Our “Understanding Media Consumption During the Coronavirus Pandemic“ webinar shares industry-specific insights on rapidly shifting media consumption trends across TV and digital, and offers perspective to help agencies and advertisers strategically reach their target consumers in an evolving media ecosystem.

This webinar explores:

  • Shifting consumption trends across TV and digital, and the resulting impact on the advertising and media industries
  • Finding your target consumer as media habits change
  • Using historical TV programming data when accounting for programming that will not return this season
  • The shift in local market viewership trends
Coronavirus Insights

で、消費トレンドの変化と広告・メディア業界が受けるインパクトに関する随時更新情報をご覧ください comscore.com/jpn/Insights/Coronavirus.


Coronavirus Insights