- 2022年1月13日

Moneyballing Media: How Big Data Is Transforming TV

 Michael Vinson, PhD
Michael Vinson, PhD
Chief Research Officer

Big data is changing the media research and analytics game forever, forcing broadcasters, content creators, and advertisers to pause and rethink what sort of metrics are important for understanding today’s modern audiences and the content they engage with.

This session brings together data scientists and research experts from across the media ecosystem to discuss the potential for big data to reshape wide swaths of our business, from traditional TV ratings and fan engagement to advertising attribution. Panelists will share examples of advanced analytics that offer promise, as well as discuss the challenges facing those who are trying to upend age-old systems (and mindsets) that have governed the media landscape for decades.

This video is part of the TVOT Live! New Year 2022 conference, for more recorded sessions, see https://vimeo.com/user2660412.