Understand the Shopping Behaviors of Your Target Consumers

Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams
Vice President, Client Insights
Comscore’s Consumer Journey solution helps clients understand how consumers use web and retailer site search upstream of online purchases.

The Scenario

The client, a home & garden product manufacturer, wanted to better understand how consumers navigate Google Search vs. Retailer websites in advance of making purchases online.

The Solution

The client utilized the results of the study to analyze granular keyword data for consumer searches, both on Google and on Retailer sites, including how consumers used retailer search vs. browse upstream of their purchases.

Number 1

Study Design

Identify key digital touchpoints with which consumers interact along their journey that impact downstream purchase decisions.

Number 2

Touchpoint Analysis

Analyze the consumer path to purchase, including insights on conversion by brand, cross-shopping/research, first and last behaviors, duration of research, and more.

Number 3

Advanced Analytics

Employ complex algorithms to uncover patterns in consumer research such as total time on path, number of touchpoints, and timing of touchpoint interaction.

The Results

The client leveraged the data and the key findings to determine how to better optimize their spending through retailers' promotional/sponsored channels, saving millions in wasted paid search advertising.

Branded vs. Non-Branded Keywords by Digital Touchpoints

Date: May 2021