- 8. Oktober 2013

Germans Accessing Social Media via Mobile Every Day has Grown 39 Percent

Social media continues to be an increasingly popular activity for German mobile users. The number of Germans accessing social networking sites via mobile at least once each month has increased by 27 percent over the year, from 14.9 million users in the three month average ending August 2012 to nearly 19 million in August 2013. What is most interesting in terms of frequency is that the number of mobile users that accessed social media on their mobile almost every day has seen the biggest jump – up 39 percent to 10 million users during August this year as people use these networks to stay in touch with friends over the holidays.

Now that we know how many people in Germany are using social media on their mobile phones, what exactly are they doing on them? Unsurprisingly, the data below shows that out of all mobile social media users, nearly 68 percent of them read posts by people they know personally. However, what might be more interesting for brands and advertisers is that the second most popular activity is following a posted link to a website (56.3 percent of users), as well as the fact that nearly half (49.3 percent) of all German mobile social media users read posts from organisations/brands in August 2013.

German Social Media Mobile Activities