- 13. Juli 2010

The Future of Search: The Emerging Power of Real-time Personalized Search

Sprecher: Eli Goodman, Comscore Search Evangelist, & Mark Cramer, CEO, SurfCanyon

Internet users have come to expect search experiences that deliver immediate and relevant results. Are you ready to take the concept of personalized search to the next level?

We explore how the fracturing of the search market and emerging technologies enable searches that are not only relevant but are dynamic, real-time, engagements. After reviewing the current search landscape and the limitations of personalization today, our experts demonstrate critical factors that will drive our future search experiences.

You will learn:

  • What personalized search is, who does it now, and where current limitations lie
  • Where personalized search is heading and how search engines can adapt
  • How personalization will effect marketers and agencies, and how to prepare for it