- 13. Februar 2013

Goldman Sachs Technology & Internet Conference: U.S. Digital Future in Focus 2013

2012 was a milestone year in the life of digital as several watershed events brought the digital marketplace to new heights and laid the groundwork for the future of the industry. From the London Olympics to the Facebook IPO to the U.S. Presidential Election, this past year saw digital media’s continued rise in prominence as part of Americans’ lives and business pursuits.

In this presentation, Comscore Executive Chairman & Co-Founder Gian Fulgoni provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends across the U.S. digital landscape. From this presentation you will receive key insights from our 2013 U.S. Digital Future in Focus report that identify what the prevailing trends in social media, search, online video, digital advertising, mobile and e-commerce mean for U.S. marketers.

Here are some of the insights shared in this presentation:

  • More devices mean more people and more consumption; Smartphones and tablets currently drive every 1 in 3 minutes spent online
  • Multi-Platform will drive advertising and content integration strategies; 5.3 trillion display ad impressions were delivered from January to December 2012 - a 6% increase in Q4 2012 display ad impressions from Q4 2011
  • Mobile disruption of the traditional retail sales funnel will finally come to a head; In Q4 2012, 11% of U.S. retail e-commerce dollars were spent via a mobile device

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