Expedite data entry by booking films en masse across your circuit, easily create non-standard engagements, and update terms per film for all theaters (or just a specific group of theaters) at once.
Identify box office audit issues, calculate film rentals and manage accruals in a single system that integrates with Comscore Box Office Essentials and Comscore Swift for box office data import/export and reporting to studios.
Gain insights from 20+ standard reports covering booking, box office, payments and analysis, in addition to custom reports that can be created for your circuit.
In seiner Rolle als Vice-President of Business Relations arbeitet Chris eng mit Betreibern und Verleihern zusammen, um die Effizienz in allen Phasen eines Filmtitel- Lebenszyklus zu steigern. Chris verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Kinovertrieb von nationalen und internationalen Studios.
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