- 7 settembre 2016

Mobile: dream destination for French Travel category, propelling Airbnb to highest European reach

French summertime delivers peak interest in travel, causing digital audiences to engage heavily with the category. With an audience of 30 million unique visitors in the country, travel websites reached 64% of the French audience in July 2016, and insights report more than 450 million visits to sites in the category. Mobile consumption played a key role, as 10 million unique visitors accessed this content through tablets and smartphones during the hottest month of the European summer.

Some key findings:

  • While the travel category in France remained flat in the first half of the year on desktop, unique visitors on mobile devices increased by 38%.
  • Travel websites reached 64% of the French audience in July 2016, with 30 million people spending an average of 42 minutes per month in the category.
  • With 15% more unique visitors in July 2016 compared to January, travel information websites had the largest increase in total unique visitors among the travel subcategories.
  • On mobile, TripAdvisor is by far the biggest travel website in total unique visitors in July 2016, reaching 23% of the total mobile audience in France.
  • On desktop, France ranks first in total unique visitors, reach and total visits on Airbnb Sites across Europe, with French population visiting the website 3.2 times per month on average in July 2016.
Airbnb Reach

MMX and Mobile Metrix can help you understand your target audience and their level of engagement. These metrics can be used to understand how your audience is consuming content, and how that compares to your competitors.