- 26 maggio 2011

Online Purchasing of Auto Insurance On the Rise

In recent years, consumers have looked to the Internet to purchase online auto insurance policies at an ever-increasing rate. Comscore's 2011 Online Auto Insurance Report, a two-part series on online auto insurance shopping and servicing, follows the growth in popularity of the online channel for insurance customers.

In 2010, 2.9 million auto insurance policies were purchased online, sustaining the high growth in policy purchases seen in the previous year and growing by 3 percent. The Internet became the second most common purchase method for policyholders in 2010, with one in five respondents from the study now selecting "online" as their initial mode of purchase.
For more insights on the online auto insurance acquisition market and servicing industry, read the full press release and Executive Summary for the 2011 Online Auto Insurance Report.

Online Purchasing of Auto Insurance On the Rise

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e-Commerce Finance