- 14 de octubre, 2011

Brew Feature Phone Users Show High Level of Engagement

As part of a Qualcomm-commissioned study on the penetration of the Brew feature phone platform in the U.S. mobile market, Comscore studied the demographics of Brew platform users and their app usage activity. The study found that 65.6 million feature phone users in the U.S. were currently on the Brew platform and similar to smartphone users, nearly 7 in 10 Brew device users were on a post-paid subscription. In comparison, only 4 in 10 non-Brew feature phone users were on post-paid subscriptions.

Brew subscribers were 22 percent more likely to use mobile Internet, applications, or downloadable content compared to non-Brew feature phone users. Among those who reported downloading apps from the Brew app market, 72 percent reported accessing those apps at least once a week, reflecting a high level of engagement among Brew users.
These insights and more were presented at a joint webinar with Qualcomm. You can watch the recording or view the slides from the presentation here: Brew Consumer Research Findings.
Download the full report at: Brew: Bringing Mobile Apps to the Mass Market.

Comparison of Post-Paid and Prepaid Subscriptions Among Mobile Subscribers

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