Comscore Custom Solution Measures Online Checkout Conversion Rates

Bo Liu
Bo Liu
Lead Analyst, Client Insights
Comscore’s custom e-commerce measurement solution helps a digital payment company showcase its value to prospective merchants

The Scenario

A digital payment company wanted to compare their online checkout conversion rate vs. other online payment methods to highlight the advantage to merchants of including that company's payment solution as a checkout method for consumers.

The Solution

Comscore leveraged passively observed e-commerce behavior to compare conversion rates for online transactions that used different digital payment methods available to consumers during online checkout at a select list of merchants.

Number 1

Project Setup

The client selected a set of online retailers across industries where multiple digital payment methods are accepted.

Number 2

Conversion Measured

The point when a user clicked on a payment type and when they completed the transaction/purchase were recorded via Comscore's behavioral panel.

Number 3

Performance Measured

Comscore data exposed key variances in online conversion when the client's payment method was accepted vs. other payment forms and digital wallets.

The Results

Comscore found that the client converts at 88.7% – 33.4 pts higher than other digital wallets and 40.0 pts higher than all payment types (digital wallet and credit cards) combined.​

+40 pts

Higher than all payment types combined

Comscore Custom ecommerce