- 17 juillet 2018

An Online Game of Snap

Intervenant: UKOM

Time spent on mobile (smartphone and tablet devices) is dominated by app usage. UKOM approved Comscore data shows that apps falling under the gaming category are strong drivers of time online in the UK, with 69% of all app users accessing these on mobile devices in May 2018.

Some of the key insights covered in the report:

  • What is the average amount of time spent on playing games or searching for gaming information in the UK? How many of the top 200 apps by average time spent fall under the gaming category?
  • Taking a closer look at how it would benefit a major app such as Snapchat to launch an in-app gaming hub.
  • Key insights and comparisons into demographics and usage figures of UK mobile gaming app users. Find out whether Candy Crush, Solitaire or Words with Friends are more popular with older or younger users.

Contact us today to learn more about this latest UKOM Insight piece.