23 avril 2020

COVIDs New Normal Webinar Insights Series Rewind

Jason Clough
Jason Clough
Senior Director, Partnerships & Insights

With 2019 in the rear view mirror, we unpack the key takeaways for brands and publishers across social media from the year - what worked, what grew, what exploded, what imploded...and what to double down on in the year ahead.

We examine a handful of case studies across key verticals that highlight best practices from 2019 and help you drive success across all your social channels in 2020.

Coronavirus Insights

Accédez à nos mises à jour sur l'évolution des comportements en ligne liée à la pandémie, ainsi que l'impact qui en résulte sur les industries de la publicité et des médias: comscore.com/fre/Insights/Coronavirus.

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Coronavirus Insights