Understand mobile purchase behaviors, attitudes and intent for better decision-making

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Comscore MobiLens® Plus is a market research tool that provides insights into consumers’ smartphone and tablet device preferences, demographics and key landscape trends to aid in better strategic planning, product design, and product launch.
U.S. survey-based insights provide details on device ownership, device usage, purchase intent, and behaviors driving mobile engagement.

With MobiLens Plus, agencies and advertisers can build data-driven mobile plans to reach target audiences. Mobile OEMs and operators can understand emerging trends in the mobile landscape and track device satisfaction. Additionally, publishers and content owners can add insights to demonstrate the value of their mobile and tablet audiences.

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Nicht duplizierte, personenbezogene Erkenntnisse

Erhalten Sie einzigartige Einblicke auf Personenebene durch eine Kombination von Daten aus den Comscore-Panels und dem Comscore Census Network.

Nicht duplizierte, personenbezogene Erkenntnisse

Holistiche Sicht über Mobilgeräte

Vergleichen Sie Nutzergruppen auf Smartphones und Tablets, Browsern und Apps sowie Android und iOS.

Holistiche Sicht über Mobilgeräte

Verlässliche Messungen

Verlassen Sie sich auf die branchenweit erste unduplizierte Messung von digitalen Nutzergruppen.

Verlässliche Messungen
  • Better package your inventory by understanding your audience size, demographic composition and usage intensity.
  • Demonstrate your site’s ability to reach target audiences that are most important to advertisers.
  • Anticipate trends by understanding changing behaviors, attitudes and device usage across mobile and tablet.
  • Create better mobile strategy by understanding the consumer behaviors that are driving trends in mobile engagement.
  • Refine media plans by finding target audiences where they can best be reached on mobile, such as SMS, mobile web or downloaded application.
  • Evaluate strategic plans by understanding emerging trends in the fast-changing mobile market.
  • Monitor emerging trends with insights on which handsets are getting the most traction based on device satisfaction attributes such as form factor, operating system, and device features.
  • Benchmark against competitors by understanding demographics of mobile device users across OEMs and operators.
  • Build better strategic plans by understanding the factors that drive consumer brand loyalty to mobile products.

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Ashwath Rajendran
Ashwath Rajendran
Senior Product Manager

Ashwath Rajendran serves as a Senior Product Manager on the Digital Audience Product team at Comscore. Ashwath manages multiple syndicated products focused on digital media planning, advanced audience segmentation and ecosystem intelligence across dozens of global markets.

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