23 aprile 2020

Creative Content Re-Mixing in A COVID Environment

Shareablee has partnered with Fullscreen in developing insights to help answer critical questions.

As consumers are spending more time at home, they are consuming more content than ever before and across more platforms. What kind of content is trending and/or performing best in this current environment?

How do marketers activate against this content? What are some best practices?

Given the shut down of productions, along with increased consumer demand, how do brand marketers pivot to reinvent or repurpose content in new and innovative ways?

Coronavirus Insights

Leggi i nostri continui aggiornamenti sull'evoluzione dei trend e gli impatti nel settore Media e advertising su comscore.com/ita/Insights/Coronavirus.

Clicca qui per ricevere i nuovi aggiornamenti non appena disponibili

Coronavirus Insights