- 11 mai 2012

German Online Newspapers Attract High Income Audience

In Germany, nearly 30 million people visited a newspaper site in March 2012, an increase of 3 percent over the past year. A demographic analysis of the 5 largest newspaper sites in Germany showed that visitors from high income households were most likely to visit these sites compared to the average internet user. Amongst the top 5, visitors from higher income households with earnings of over 75,000 euro were 44 percent more likely (index of 144) to visit Süddeutsche.de compared to the average internet visitor. The only newspaper that over indexed on two segment (25,000 - 34,999 euro) and (75,000+) was Welt.de

This trend continued across all the top sites, with visitors from the highest household income segment indexing higher than all segments.

German Online Newspapers Sites Household Income