11 août 2023

Gender Equality Measurement in Digital Planning

GEM® Audiences, an industry-first digital planning audience insight tool from Comscore in collaboration with the ANA SeeHer project, provides brands with new tools for responsible media.

Working in conjunction with SeeHer, Comscore created a new way for brands and advertisers to understand the significance of gender equality for their target audiences – from a behavior, interests, and attitudes standpoint – by embedding Gender Equality attributes in the Comscore Plan Metrix Suite.

Download the presentation

Through GEM® Audiences in Comscore, this new intelligence solution is poised to be the digital standard that helps brands understand, beyond demographics, how to reach and engage consumers with a gender equality mindset.

Read the announcement here.
Contact us to learn more about GEM Audiences in Comscore’s Plan Metrix suite.