- 19 de octubre, 2011

Introducing Comscore's Media Planner 2.0

Presentador: Bonnie Niederstrasser, Sr. Product Manager, Comscore, Inc.

The digital and cross-media planning process can be a frustrating one because it often requires significant manual data analysis, multiple spreadsheets, various data sources and inconsistent outcomes. Learn how Comscore’s newly-launched Media Planner 2.0, a next generation media planning solution, can help you build more efficient media plans, eliminate waste and garner overall better results.

This webinar highlights key features and techniques for building the best media plans in today’s complex planning environment. Specifically, we’ll show you how you can quickly, simply and effectively answer these critical planning questions:

  • Which sites provide the optimal reach and frequency for my campaign within my specific budget constraints?
  • How will the performance of my campaign change with varying impression levels?
  • How can I generate a media plan quickly that meets my reach-based campaign goal(s)?
  • Will targeted placements be more cost-effective for my campaign?