Entenda tudo sobre as audiências de varejo online para expandir seu alcance e retorno sobre investimento (ROI)

A Comscore permite que as marcas planejem, viabilizem e avaliem melhor a publicidade entre plataformas para aumentar o engajamento e o retorno sobre investimento no setor de varejo.

As soluções de mensuração da Comscore ajudam você a descobrir insights granulares sobre seus consumidores-alvo no varejo.

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Produtos a considerar

Path-to-Purchase Research

Comscore Consumer Journey™ provides deep, customizable insights on the consumer research process across the retail industry, leading up to conversion for retail transactions for online digital commerce.

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Brand Effectiveness Measurement

Using flexible measurement and attribution methods, Brand Survey Lift provides marketers, agencies and media companies with insight into a campaign’s ability to drive lifts in key branding metrics, such as awareness, favorability and purchase intent across the retail industry.

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Custom Solutions

Top Retail Merchant Report

Top Retail Merchant Report

This report provides digital commerce insights focusing on merchant-level basket performance using passively collected massive clickstream behavioral data inclusive of desktop and mobile.

Retail Product Category Insights

Retail Product Category Insights

Identify possible inflection points for specific categories based on digital spend trends. Available categories include: Video Game Consoles, Furniture & Appliances, Video Games, Consumer Electronics, Consumer Packaged Goods, Apparel & Accessories, Home & Garden.

Online Customer Journey

Online Customer Journey

Identify key digital touchpoints between category research initiation and category purchase. Report on frequency, intensity, and timing of digital touchpoint engagement and determine whether digital touchpoint engagement impacted downstream conversion.