2025 State of Programmatic Report
Comscore Executive Video Briefing The Power of Like
ASOS Experiences the Facebook Effect
'The Power of Like 2' Offers New Insights into How Social Marketing Deliver...
Comscore, in collaboration with Facebook, today released The Power of Like 2: How Social Marketing Works, the second research report in a series examining the ways in which brands can quantify the pai...
Gian Fulgoni shares findings on Facebook advertising effectiveness on CNBC
The Power of Like 2: How Social Marketing Works
It’s Time to Change the Discussion on Measuring Facebook Effectiveness
Comscore is preparing to publish new findings about the effectiveness of paid and earned media exposure on Facebook next week at the ARF Audience Measurement 7.0 conference in New York, along with our...
Facebook: Around the World in 800 Days
Magid Abraham talks about Facebook Inc.
Facebook Shows Strong Growth Over Past Five Years
Comscore Chairman Gian Fulgoni takes a look at latest advertising data for...
LinkedIn Financial Customers More Affluent than Facebook Users
State of the U.S. Social Networking Market: Facebook Maintains Leadership P...
It’s a Social World: Top 10 Need-to-Knows About Social Networking and Where...
Online Pinboards – Is this the new way to Facebook?
Smaller Advertisers Deliver 62% of Ad Impressions on Facebook in Q3 2011
The Interconnection of Facebook Fan Pages
Spotify Makes a Splash among U.S. Early Adopters
Orkut Leads Social Networking Market in Brazil But Facebook Growing Fast