2025 State of Programmatic Report
State of OTT
OTT Breaks Out of Its Netflix Shell
Brand Safety: Another Case for Increased Trust & Transparency in Digital Ad...
Comscore is working closely with industry partners to foster greater trust and transparency. We recently announced that we are working with YouTube on brand safety to give advertisers greater visibili...
Mobile Matures as the Cross-Platform Era Emerges
Unlocking Mobile Measurement for YouTube in the U.S.
The New Digital Ecosystem: Navigating the Cross-Platform Reality
In this data driven presentation, Alex Banks, VP, Comscore Marketing Solutions, Comscore shed light on the current digital ecosystem with an emphasis on the cross media landscape. Session attendees le...
What Millennials’ YouTube Usage Tells Us about the Future of Video Viewersh...
The 2015 U.S. Mobile App Report
Marketing in an Age of Social Mobility
Comscore at the NewFronts: UbiquiTV is the New Reality
2013 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
Channel 4 Has the Largest Share of Online Video Viewers That Are ABC1
Top 10 YouTube Partners by Videos per Female Viewer
Top 10 YouTube Partners by Videos per Male Viewer
Comscore Introduces YouTube Partner Reporting in Video Metrix
Comscore Announces Availability of New YouTube Partner Reporting
YouTube Viewing Across Markets
Time Spent at Youtube.com and Hulu in U.S.